Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Facebook response

In response to Josh's ideas about facebook, I completely agree. I dont think kids our age should have to worry about anything we do or say on the internet to our friends. Some of my friends' parents have a facebook and sometimes I am hesitant about what I say because I think about the consequences. My buddy's parents could easily have a discussion with my parents about somethings I did over the weekend, or some things I said on the internet. I dont hink it is right for us to hesitate away from our ideas just so we can protect our image. I have heard plenty of college stories from my parents and other adults and I thought that they didnt have facebook to ruin their secrets. They didnt have a web site that allows parents, coaches, teachers to log on and see what you are really up to. I believe that we should be able to speak freely on facebook and not worry about anything.


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