Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Freshman Parking Lot, and Traffic Services

I believe that the freshman parking lot is located way too far away from where people live on campus. The walk down to the lot to get my car here at school sucks. It is a very long walk that can be avoided if the College just allowed students to park by their dorm room. Every time I come up to the lot there are always open spaces, and I hate the fact that I cant park up here. The traffic services also are extremely strict, I have recieved two tickets for having my car in the lot for not even 20 minutes. I just had to drop something off and unload my car and I got a ticket. When I try to appeal the ticket they say I cant park up there at all. I do not agree with this, I think it is unfair that I have to park my car in the freshman lot, especially when I need to unload soething. I think the traffic services need to ease up a little bit and that the school should start looking for an alternative for the current freshman lot.

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