Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Probation affecting Studying Abroad

I disagree with the rule or the comparison to probation and not being able to study abroad. I believe that if there are alot of people who want to study abroad, there are more things to look at rather than just your probation record. I think that your GPA, semesters taken, and class participation are much more important than your probation record. Here at Ithaca College I have found myself on probation and this kills my chances of studying abroad. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time and this kills my chance of going to say Australia. If you think about it some of the things that we do here are illegal while those same things are legal over seas. I dont think that is right because if I was to go to Australia I could drink there legally. If I drank here my probation would get extended. I believe that you shouldnt look at probation records as one of the application checklists.

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