Monday, February 11, 2008

Response to Obesity being a Choice

In response to Rebecca's idea on Obesity being a choice, I agree with many things she comes up with in her post. When narrowing down my decision if I think obesity is a choice, I agree but disagree at the same time. As Rebecca mentioned in her post sometimes there are families where all of the members of the household is obese. Does a young child really have control or a choice on what his mother puts down on the table? Does this child have the capability or even the knowledge to ask his mom to replace french fries with a salad? Some people also do not have the money to join a gym so that they can exercise regularly. This puts them at a disadvantage in losing weight and also in becoming obese. However there are many things that makes me agree to the statement that obesity being a choice. Many of the times when people notice they are obese or gaining weight is when they are not exercising and they are being lazy. When the word lazy comes up, my decision is clear to agree that obesity is a choice, if people are going to be lazy in this country then they deserve to be obese.

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