Monday, February 18, 2008

In Response to Clemens vs. McNamee Trial

In response to Tyler's blog post I have also noticed this trial being constantly on the screen of the television. I have been back and forth in my mind on who is guilty and who we should trust, still trying to determine my decision. When thinking about this topic it is clear to me that in this world, it is easy to lie. Recently in my life I have had to deal with the topic of lying and it has became more clear to me how easy it is to lie. One of these two men, Roger or McNamee, is not telling the truth and the media has proved to us as the audience that it is very difficult to determine if someone is lying or not. I also believe that in some way baseball as a sport has lost some of its credibility. After the report on how many people in the professional baseball league had taken steroids who knows what awards and other things are still credible.

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