Monday, February 18, 2008


I recently came across this article that describes a web site called that ridicules and starts rumors about students at that specific college. This is a web site that is completely made up by students and now after offending other students on this web site there is a lot of people who want the site banned. A student who attends Cornell University received a text message from a buddy to check out this web site, this kid goes to the site and looks up his name and next to it a bunch of sexual rumors and gossip. What if this happened to you? What if you saw your name on this web site and thought to yourself if your younger sister comes across this web site, what would she think? I believe that there should be something that blocks these inappropriate web sites, the freedom of making sites should not be banned but if its going to be a site that is inappropriate and stupid like this one then it shouldn’t be publicly revealed.

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