Thursday, February 28, 2008

Intramural Floor Hockey

The other day I was thinking about putting together a floor hockey team for something to keep me occupied for the second half of the second semester. When filling out the form I realized that there was a rule that stated you cant have more than two players from the club Ice Hockey team on one team. At first I thought why would they make it a rule? Would the teams be that unfair if there were three or four club members on one squad for Intramural Floor Hockey? I was talking to a buddy of mine and he was telling me that he is on an intramural dodgeball team and there were many teams that just over powered everyone else. I dont see why you cant have two or more hockey players on a floor hockey team when there are unlimited baseball players for dodgeball, or basketball players for basketball. The game of dodgeball would be completely unfair if there was a team full of baseball players. This is why I think it is unfair for them to put a limit on the amount of hockey players on a floor hockey team.

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