Thursday, February 28, 2008

In Response to IC Work Order

In response to Cory's post earlier on in the semester I agree with his statement that the IC Work Order service is relatively timely and efficient. In my room the door's peep hole was broken. Right after I found out that our door was damaged I filed for a work order and it was only after two days that I came back from class and the door was repaired. This is a big positive trait that I look at when thinking about Ithaca College. It is a great feeling knowing that my money towards this college is being useful towards myself in some way. I have heard other rumors why tuition prices keep rising and when something like this happens it is alwas reassuring for myself. I have discussed this topic with some of my buddies from back home and they have told me that they have bathroom problems often and things that could use repair but their schools dont take care of them like Ithaca College does.

Response to IC Work Order

Intramural Floor Hockey

The other day I was thinking about putting together a floor hockey team for something to keep me occupied for the second half of the second semester. When filling out the form I realized that there was a rule that stated you cant have more than two players from the club Ice Hockey team on one team. At first I thought why would they make it a rule? Would the teams be that unfair if there were three or four club members on one squad for Intramural Floor Hockey? I was talking to a buddy of mine and he was telling me that he is on an intramural dodgeball team and there were many teams that just over powered everyone else. I dont see why you cant have two or more hockey players on a floor hockey team when there are unlimited baseball players for dodgeball, or basketball players for basketball. The game of dodgeball would be completely unfair if there was a team full of baseball players. This is why I think it is unfair for them to put a limit on the amount of hockey players on a floor hockey team.

Monday, February 18, 2008


I recently came across this article that describes a web site called that ridicules and starts rumors about students at that specific college. This is a web site that is completely made up by students and now after offending other students on this web site there is a lot of people who want the site banned. A student who attends Cornell University received a text message from a buddy to check out this web site, this kid goes to the site and looks up his name and next to it a bunch of sexual rumors and gossip. What if this happened to you? What if you saw your name on this web site and thought to yourself if your younger sister comes across this web site, what would she think? I believe that there should be something that blocks these inappropriate web sites, the freedom of making sites should not be banned but if its going to be a site that is inappropriate and stupid like this one then it shouldn’t be publicly revealed.

In Response to Clemens vs. McNamee Trial

In response to Tyler's blog post I have also noticed this trial being constantly on the screen of the television. I have been back and forth in my mind on who is guilty and who we should trust, still trying to determine my decision. When thinking about this topic it is clear to me that in this world, it is easy to lie. Recently in my life I have had to deal with the topic of lying and it has became more clear to me how easy it is to lie. One of these two men, Roger or McNamee, is not telling the truth and the media has proved to us as the audience that it is very difficult to determine if someone is lying or not. I also believe that in some way baseball as a sport has lost some of its credibility. After the report on how many people in the professional baseball league had taken steroids who knows what awards and other things are still credible.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Response to Obesity being a Choice

In response to Rebecca's idea on Obesity being a choice, I agree with many things she comes up with in her post. When narrowing down my decision if I think obesity is a choice, I agree but disagree at the same time. As Rebecca mentioned in her post sometimes there are families where all of the members of the household is obese. Does a young child really have control or a choice on what his mother puts down on the table? Does this child have the capability or even the knowledge to ask his mom to replace french fries with a salad? Some people also do not have the money to join a gym so that they can exercise regularly. This puts them at a disadvantage in losing weight and also in becoming obese. However there are many things that makes me agree to the statement that obesity being a choice. Many of the times when people notice they are obese or gaining weight is when they are not exercising and they are being lazy. When the word lazy comes up, my decision is clear to agree that obesity is a choice, if people are going to be lazy in this country then they deserve to be obese.

Hockey Players' Safety

Recently it has been brought to my attention that many of the hockey players that participate in the NHL do not wear mouth guards, neck guards, face masks or even plastic pieces that protect your ears. Yesterday a player on the Florida Panthers suffered a frightening accident, he was knocked to the ice and unfortunately one of his teammates skated too close to his neck and accidentally severed this player's neck. After this incident occurred I read more about Richard Zednik's condition, I learned that he went through a life saving surgery. This story brings to my attention that players in the NHL do not wear certain equipment that can help protect them. I know that it is the players' decision to wear certain equipment but I just don't really see the point of not wearing a face mask or neck guard. I play hockey and to be honest I dont wear a neck guard or a mouth guard, but after learning about the possibilities that can happen to me when I am out there on the ice I know I am going to think twice when putting on my gear in the locker room.

Monday, February 4, 2008

How can we stop shootings?

When thinking about what I was going to write for this blog I came across an article that describes a shooting that occurred killing five people. It makes me upset and angry that there really isnt any way to stop these shootings. I believe that there needs to be stricter laws prohibiting the purchase of some guns. There really isnt a way to stop people carrying guns around towns or cities because then we would have to search everyone, it needs to start with not allowing some people to purchase guns. When people are selling guns sometimes they dont realize it but they are really selling the gun to someone that is going to do a violent and stupid act. There needs to be some way that we can reduce the number of shootings every year.

Not Fair

I do not think that the students that live on campus here at Ithaca College should have to pay for their own internet and cable. It does not seem fair to me when I think to myself that after this four years of school, I am going to be in serious debt. When I am paying $40,000 every year to attend this college, I do not think it is right for the college to not supply internet and cable. There are many colleges in this country that provide free internet and free cable. This argument is a proposal and it is something I would like to propose to the body of this school. I know that there are many people on this campus who agree with this claim I am stating, many students would be eager to help and state their beliefs. Overall I do not think it is right for the school to lack the ability to provide cable and a solid Internet connection.