Monday, March 31, 2008

Response to Waimon's Post

In response to Waimon's post about where our tuition is going, I agree with her statements. I agree with the fact that the new business building was designed and constructed within a reasonable amount of time, 12-16 months. I also dont understand that if we can do that within a year or a year and a half, how come the wireless networking is taking so long. There are many schools that have lower tuitions than us and they all have wireless internet connection everywhere on campus. Also while I am a huge sports fan and loves sports, I also agree that we are spending too much money on the athletic centers. Especially if we are planning to build a new athletic center in the near future. I think that the tuition is too high and that our money is going somewhere that isnt as relevant as we think.

Why Bosses are always right

I hate the fact that your boss is always right. I came into work last friday and I was speaking with my boss about possibly taking an extra shift on Monday, I told her that I could probably do it but then she never told me if I had the shift. I am a delivery guy and right after we discussed possibly filling in for the position on Monday, I went out on a delivery. When I came back to the store my boss was gone and left the shift on Monday still up in the air in my opinion. I hate the fact that if I wer to confront my boss about this I know I wouldnt be right, there would be no point. Just because I am scared of getting fired,I dont want to speak my mind with her. I know she didnt mean to screw me over, because now I have to go work, but she still will never realize that it was unfair what she did.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

2008 NCAA Tournament

Who is going to be that ast team standing in this long tournament? There are many people in the country that believe North Carolina has the ability to win it all this year. I agree with this statement, they have the right group of kids and they can play the full 40 minute game. There is another team that has the capability to win it and that is Memphis. The only problem I have noticed with Memphis is that their free throw shooting is awful. Sometimes close games come down to if you can make a free throw or not. I have seen Memphis lose around 20 points per game in just missed free throws. I beleive that if you want to continue on in this tournament, making free throws is one of the top priorities. I think that both of these teams can advance pretty far and might see eachother in the final game, but only if Memphis starts hitting their free throws.

The Freshman Parking Lot, and Traffic Services

I believe that the freshman parking lot is located way too far away from where people live on campus. The walk down to the lot to get my car here at school sucks. It is a very long walk that can be avoided if the College just allowed students to park by their dorm room. Every time I come up to the lot there are always open spaces, and I hate the fact that I cant park up here. The traffic services also are extremely strict, I have recieved two tickets for having my car in the lot for not even 20 minutes. I just had to drop something off and unload my car and I got a ticket. When I try to appeal the ticket they say I cant park up there at all. I do not agree with this, I think it is unfair that I have to park my car in the freshman lot, especially when I need to unload soething. I think the traffic services need to ease up a little bit and that the school should start looking for an alternative for the current freshman lot.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Economy in a Recession?

Everyday I hear something new or another opinion going around about the economy being in or out of a recession. "CNN) -- Nearly three-quarters of all Americans think the economy is in a recession, according to a national poll released Monday." What is there to do to help our economy? If there are so many people in this country that believe our country needs help, why is it taking so long to get things back on track? I believe we are in a mild recession right now but the only way were going right now is further worse. The economy right now is not as worse as the time period of the Great Depression but with all the media explaining to our country that were doing poorly, its hard to improve the economy.

NHL Seeding Response

In response to Evan's response on the NHL seeding, I agree with his statement that division games should mean a lot and that the NHL should not change anything with how the playoffs seeds are determined. Right now there are teams that are ranked lower than other teams except these lower ranked teams have more points than the higher ranked teams. This is because when a team wins their division they are automatically placed in the top three. This kills all the divisional rivalries. This could possibly be one of the reasons that hockey does not contain some of the major rivalries like baseball.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Probation affecting Studying Abroad

I disagree with the rule or the comparison to probation and not being able to study abroad. I believe that if there are alot of people who want to study abroad, there are more things to look at rather than just your probation record. I think that your GPA, semesters taken, and class participation are much more important than your probation record. Here at Ithaca College I have found myself on probation and this kills my chances of studying abroad. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time and this kills my chance of going to say Australia. If you think about it some of the things that we do here are illegal while those same things are legal over seas. I dont think that is right because if I was to go to Australia I could drink there legally. If I drank here my probation would get extended. I believe that you shouldnt look at probation records as one of the application checklists.

Facebook response

In response to Josh's ideas about facebook, I completely agree. I dont think kids our age should have to worry about anything we do or say on the internet to our friends. Some of my friends' parents have a facebook and sometimes I am hesitant about what I say because I think about the consequences. My buddy's parents could easily have a discussion with my parents about somethings I did over the weekend, or some things I said on the internet. I dont hink it is right for us to hesitate away from our ideas just so we can protect our image. I have heard plenty of college stories from my parents and other adults and I thought that they didnt have facebook to ruin their secrets. They didnt have a web site that allows parents, coaches, teachers to log on and see what you are really up to. I believe that we should be able to speak freely on facebook and not worry about anything.