Wednesday, April 23, 2008

NHL Playoffs are too long

I think that NHL playoffs are way too long. They go 7 games every series even starting in the first round. This makes playoffs for the NHL start like April 10 and wont get over until the end of May or even the beginning of June. This makes everyone wait for too long for them to determine a champion team. I think that the best out of 7 games is just too long of a series. It is extremely hard in sports to beat a team three times, this is asking them to win for four games. When there are close match ups the games will often be equal and have to go to a 7th game to determine who moves on and who goes home. I believe that if the playoffs were shortened up then it would help to truly determine the true top team. Like baseball, the first round starts out with a 5 game series then moves to 7. I think hockey should do the same thing.

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