Wednesday, April 23, 2008

NHL Playoffs are too long

I think that NHL playoffs are way too long. They go 7 games every series even starting in the first round. This makes playoffs for the NHL start like April 10 and wont get over until the end of May or even the beginning of June. This makes everyone wait for too long for them to determine a champion team. I think that the best out of 7 games is just too long of a series. It is extremely hard in sports to beat a team three times, this is asking them to win for four games. When there are close match ups the games will often be equal and have to go to a 7th game to determine who moves on and who goes home. I believe that if the playoffs were shortened up then it would help to truly determine the true top team. Like baseball, the first round starts out with a 5 game series then moves to 7. I think hockey should do the same thing.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Shuttle Bus at IC

Recently I was reading a proposal written by one of our students that says we should implement a shuttle bus system. I agree with this because even though i live at Towers, it would be an awful walk from terraces or circles. Kids dont like to walk from these far locations so to avoid it they usually hop in their car and drive to class. This forces them to find parking which is often very difficult and then making them late for class. This would also help bring down the amount of students at school with their cars. RTight now there are alot of kids with thir cars and they wouldnt bring them to school if there was a shuttle bus. The shuttle bus would also help with the carbon dioxide emission problem, that is horrible.

Mariokart= Great Game

Yesterday I heard someone say that he hated mariokart, and that it was not a well designed game. This got me kind of heated because mariokart was the first video game I had ever owned and I love it. I started debating with this kid because I believe it is one of the greatest games ever created. It is alot of fun when you can play four player, and be able to play against eachother for a race or something else. There are not a lot of newer systems coming out that allow four players to play against eachother. The PS3 only allows two players, the xbox 360 does allow four players but they dont have that many games that offer the four player option. Even though the nintendo 64 is older and doesnt have as good graphics, it is still a classic and mariokart is one of the greatest games.

Friday, April 11, 2008

I am not a fan of Homerconnect

I do not really like the idea of scheduling classes at 7:00 in the morning on Homer-connect. I know that the starting time could not have been anytime after because students would have class so I understand that however, I think that because we use the internet to do it kids don't get into the classes very easily. This morning I spent an hour and a half trying to get into the classes I had planned and scheduled to take but homer connect kept logging me off and on and I ended up with only 2 or 3 classes. When we have so many people throughout the whole campus trying to add classes on the internet, things are going to be messed up and working slow. This is what happened to me and now I have to run around campus looking for teachers in order to override a class. I do not like how this is all over the internet.

Public Safety Comment

Last night I was just sitting in my room watching the Detroit Red Wings get their first victory in their series with the Nashville Predators. After watching the game I turned on some music and it could not have been more than four minutes that there was a SASP or night RA on duty that knocked on my door. I think that the people on duty do not give you a chance to turn the music down at all. They claimed that they heard my music playing for a little while. I knew that I had not had my music on for that long but I didn't really feel like arguing with them. I believe that SASPS just try to get kids in trouble, they look for reasons to get kids caught. Its like they have contests at night to get the most write-ups every night. I wish that the people on duty at night would ease up a little, realize that we are all college students, we are not going to bed at around 11 it was.